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What is so dangerous about reusing the same password?

Is it too hard to remember a different one for each site?

Using the same password may seem convenient when you have multiple accounts that you log into daily. However, have you considered the danger of doing so? Let’s discuss why you should not use the same password over and over.

Using the same password for multiple accounts means you risk multiple accounts being hacked. Once a hacker has access to your password (or you have a password breach), they can use your information to access all the accounts that you reuse this information. This means you could have you Facebook account and spreading false information about you; accessing your bank account and them transferring all of your money elsewhere; they can gain access to personal information allowing them to steal your identity; and lastly, they could gain access to your company’s data if you use the same password at your job. So, not only are you endangering your personal life, but the integrity and operations of your employer as well.

There are other, safer options available. Using a password manager to store and even create complex passwords is one option. Another would be using two-factor or MFA (multi-factor authentication) methods. Don’t take the risk of jeopardizing yourself or your company just because of the simplicity of remembering one password. The devastating consequences are not worth it. Don’t assume that it won’t happen to you… practice safe password hygiene and use the alternative tools available to help you create strong passwords and add extra layers of security… all while not having to remember all of them!